We work with Mayer Salovey Caruso Ability Model of Emotional Intelligence and the Emotional Intelligence Skills Group centred on the campus of Yale University.
Business and personal success is influenced by how well we work with others. Interpersonal behaviour is fundamental to our effectiveness. The Mayer Salovey Caruso Ability Model of Emotional Intelligence is a powerful construct that helps us understand ourselves and others.
We help our clients educate, assess, and implement Emotional Intelligence within their organizations. We do so through keynote addresses, breakout sessions, workshops, coaching and the MSCEIT™.
Matthew Asser completed the Mayer, Salovey, Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test Certification Workshop at the EI Skills Group Centre located on the campus at Yale. The certification workshop was conducted by David Caruso, PhD, management psychologist, co-author of the MSCEIT and The Emotionally Intelligent Manager, and a special assistant to the dean of Yale College. Asser Incorporated brings the power of the MSCEIT to you.

The MSCEIT™ is the world’s leading ability-based measure of Emotional Intelligence. It requires participants to perform a variety of tasks that engage the primary branches of Emotional Intelligence. The MSCEIT™ assessment must be supervised by qualified professionals. MHS mandates certification to ensure correct administration and interpretation. (™ Trademark of the test publisher Multi-Health Systems Inc.)
Developed by academics at Yale and the University of New Hampshire in cooperation with MHS, the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT™) evaluates Emotional Intelligence through a series of objective and impersonal questions. It tests the respondent’s ability to perceive, use, understand, and regulate emotions. Based on scenarios typical of everyday life, the MSCEIT measures how well people perform tasks and solve emotional problems, rather than having them provide their own subjective assessment of their emotional skills.
- Provides a direct, objective measure of actual Emotional Intelligence functioning
- Renders employee recruitment and selection more efficient and reliable
- Increases the efficacy of leadership development and other types of training
- Helps improve group processes
- Enables evaluation of clients’ Emotional Intelligence at a deeper level
- Accelerates coaching by identifying important needs early on
- Helps to identify root causes of problems or blocks
- Promotes self-awareness in a range of functionally critical areas
- Places current levels of performance into perspective
- Provides a practical guide to improvement